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Typography tips

Typography tips

Some essential typography tips for creating visually appealing designs:

  1. Choose appropriate fonts: Select fonts that complement each other and fit the mood and purpose of your design. Consider factors like readability and personality.
  2. Pay attention to hierarchy: Use font size, weight, and colour to establish a clear hierarchy in your design. This helps guide the viewer’s eye and prioritise information.
  3. Maintain consistency: Stick to a limited number of fonts and styles throughout your design to maintain consistency and coherence.
  4. Use white space effectively: Allow enough space between lines, letters, and elements to improve readability and give your design breathing room.
  5. Align text properly: Align text elements consistently to create a clean and organised layout. Avoid awkward gaps or misalignment.
  6. Experiment with typography pairings: Mix serif and sans-serif fonts or combine different styles within the same family to create contrast and visual interest.
  7. Consider contrast: Ensure there’s enough contrast between the text and background to ensure readability, especially for people with visual impairments.
  8. Limit special effects: Reserve special effects like shadows, outlines, and gradients for emphasis and use them sparingly to avoid overwhelming the design.
  9. Test readability: Always test your typography choices across different devices and screen sizes to ensure readability and accessibility.
  10. Seek feedback: Get feedback from peers or colleagues to evaluate the effectiveness of your typography choices and make adjustments as needed.

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